FRED CUNNINGHAM is DECEASED (2012). Reported by Phylora FeebackShrieves
ROBIN VAN THIEL is DECEASED (2014). Reported by her brother, Bill.
ROSE ANNE WILLIAMSON is DECEASED. Reported by Dalton Kelley Blankenship.
ALICE YOUNG COLLIERis DECEASED (2001). Reported by Phylora Feeback Shrieves.
The search has not ended. It will HAVE to end by mid-April, however. The 50th Reunion of the Class of 1967 is May 12 & 13.
THANKS to all who have helped so far!
NOTE:MORE photos and names are in the website's tab LOOKING FOR (left margin), under the subtabClass of 1967.
Looking for Class of 1967 Sophomores:
Glenna Troxell- Kathy Young
by A. Jane Chambers
EachFriday's 50th Reunion Celebration at CNU is followed on Saturday morning with participation in the Commencement on the Great Lawn. The Reunion Class and its attending professors gather at 9:00 a.m. for a continental breakfast in a building near the Commencement Stage and then dress in academic apparel provided by CNU. The blue academic stoles (see photo above) are special souvenir gifts that include the CNC seal and the class's graduation year. The photo above, courtesy of CNU, shows the Class of 1964 dressed for the 2014 Commencement.
Below is the last group ofCNC students we are trying to locate. They were CNC freshmen in 1966. No doubt many of them werethen sophomores in 1967. Unfortunately, therewasnoTrident created for 1967. All pictures here are therefore from the 1966 Trident.
Shown above are (from left) GLENNA TROXELL (NOW HUNDLEY), in a photo from page 72 of the 1966 Trident, and CHERYL VALLERY, in a photo from page 73 of that yearbook. Unfortunately, we could find no picture of ROBIN VAN THIEL.
We have learned that NEIL VICKERS isDECEASED. No photo of him could be found in any of our yearbooks either. The two photos above, both from page 73 of the 1966 Trident, are of ROBERT L. WEBB(M) and JAY WHITTINGTON (R).
The photos of all three of these ladies are from page 74 of the 1966Trident. These former freshmen are (L - R) ROSE ANN WILLIAMSON, JOAN E. WILLIS, and SUSAN WILLIS. We do not know if the Willis women are related. There's a third one below.
The photo of SYLVIA A. WILLIS (L), like that of the other two Willis women, is on p. 74 of the 1966 yearbook. Are any of the Willis women related? The next two pictures are from page 75: LARRY E. WRENN and ALICE YOUNG.
KATHY YOUNG's picture (above) is on the same page as that of ALICE YOUNG (p. 75), but we have no idea whether or not the two are related. The second photo here was taken at the 50th Reunion of CNC's Class of 1966, in Luter Hall, during Saturday morning's "Dine and Don Your Regalia" hour before Commencement began. Shown are (L - R) Professor Jane Chambers, Class of 1966's Jim Paxton, Professor Barry Wood, and Class of 1966's ReverendJim Collie.
This is our final posting of the 1966Trident freshmen who might have been 1967 sophomores, and thus eligible to attend the 50th Reunion of the Class of 1967 (May 12th & 13th, 2017). Please help us locate these former students! So far, we have found FEWER THAN A DOZEN of the 82 we are seeking, and two of those are deceased. Please contact me or Dave Spriggs if you have ANY leads. THANK YOU!
NOTE:MORE photos and names are in the website's tabLOOKING FOR (left margin), under the subtab Class of 1967.
Looking for Class of 1967 Sophomores:
Melvin Procter - Paige Traynor
by A. Jane Chambers
The final event during Friday night's Golden Celebration of each 50th Reunion is participating with over 1200 members of CNU's Class of 2017 in a Candlelight Ceremony on the Great Lawn (CNU photo above). The 50th Reunion Class members are honored twice at this ceremony. First, they are seated on the platform in front of the new four-story Newport Hall and welcomed with applause. Second, after a short program, one chosen member of the Reunion Class begins the lighting of the candles on stage. The lighting quickly spreads to the graduates-to-be standing on the lawn below and wearing white shirts and tops. Soon a Sea of Lights is created. The ceremony ends with an impressive (and loud!) explosion of fireworks (see CNU photo at end).
Below are names and photos of 15 more 1966 CNC freshmen, some of whom no doubt completed their sophomore year in 1967. Please help locate these people. We will welcome ALL we find as CNC First Decaders, and CNU will invite those who completed their sophomore year in 1967 (degree or no degree) to attend their 50th Reunion this coming May 12th & 13th.
Shown above are photos from the 1966 Trident (p. 69) of MELVIN PROCTER (L) and ROBERT RICHARDSON (R). There was no photo anywhere in theTrident of KATHY RACKLEY.
All three pictures above are from page 70 of the 1966Trident. The students are (L - R) JOHN RYAN, CHRISTOPHER SCATTINI, and CAROL SCHULTE. Carol was a SGA Freshman Assemblyman in that year. Maybe others in the Student Government then will know where she is now.
Kenny Spencer
The freshman photo of GEORGE J. SMITH (above L) is from page 70 of the1966Trident; that of ALLEN SORRELL (M) from page 71. There was no photo of KENNY SPENCER in the yearbook. Allen was on the Men’s Track Team that year. I think Kenny was on the Men’s Tennis Team. Maybe other male athletes at CNC in the early years know where these men are now.
These 1966 freshmen above are (L - R) RICHARD ST. GERMAIN, BETTY JO SUDDITH, and CALVIN BYRON THOMAS. Richard and Betty's photos are from page 71 of the 1966 Trident; Calvin's photo is from page 72.
These last three photos are all from page 72 of the 1966 Trident. The students are (L - R) GEORGE THOMAS, DAVID TILSON, and PAIGE TRAYNOR.
Having no 1967 yearbook for those who were CNC's sophomores in 1967 has created a serious problem. We hope these photos posted in several issues will help us find some of these former students. If you can helplocate anyone, please contact us at (Jane Chambers) (Dave Spriggs). THANK YOU!
We welcome your FEEDBACK. Send to
Published January 6, 2017
NOTE:MORE photos and names are in the website's tabLOOKING FOR (left margin), under the subtabClass of 1967.
Looking for Class of 1967 Sophomores:
John C. Moore - Ted Posey
by A. Jane Chambers
On Saturday, May 13, before Commencement, members of the Class of 1967 will enjoy a continental breakfast on campus and then be dressed in academic regalia provided by CNU. Each reunion attendee will be given an academic stole to wear, and keep, like the one shown here. One side will have the originalCNC seal (CNC - W&M) and the other will have the 50th reunion year (1967). The group will have special seating under a canopy tent near the outdoor stage and will be recognized early in the program. Anyone who needs to leave before commencement ends can easily do so.
Photo by First Decader CNC alumnus Claude Stanley.
Below are 12 more freshmen shown in the 1966 Trident yearbook, some of whom were no doubt members of the sophomore class of 1967, for which there was no yearbook. Most of these students probably graduated from Peninsula area schools. If you have a lead of any kind, contact me, at, or First Decaders Chair Dave Spriggs, at We need your help locating these people!THANK YOU!
Shown above, from page 67 of the 1966 Trident, are (L - R) JOHN W. MOORE, JONI MORRIS, and ROY B. MORRIS. We have no idea whether any of the students with the same last names are related.
The above photos of (L - R) JAMES NULLS, JOHN OLMSTED, and JAMES C. O’NEIL, Jr. are from page 68 of the 1966 Trident. O'NEIL later earned a BS in Business Administration atCNC, in 1973.
These three photos above are also from page 68 of the 1966 Trident.The then-freshmen are (L - R) JAMES EDWARD PARKER, JOHN A. PERKINS, and ROBERT PERKINS. We do not know whether the PERKINS men are related.
These three photos above are also from page 68 of the 1966 Trident.The then-freshmen are (L - R) JAMES EDWARD PARKER, JOHN A. PERKINS, and ROBERT PERKINS. We do not know whether the PERKINS men are related.
High praise goes to CNU's Alumni Relations staff, who do so much at our 50th Reunions to make the honorees and their guests feel like royalty. The above photo, from Commencement 2016, shows Alumni Relations Officer Katie Monteith (first L) and her boss, Baxter Vendrick (last R), Director of the Office of Alumni Relations, horsing around with 1966 alumni Charlie Snead and Ellen Babb Melvin before the program began. As is true of many CNU employees, Katie herself is a CNU alum.
Having no 1967 yearbook for those who were sophomores in 1967 has created a serious problem. We hope these website photos posted in each issue will help us find some of these former students. We will welcome ALL we find asCNC First Decaders, and CNU will invite those who completed their sophomore year in 1967 (degree or no degree) to attend their Golden Anniversary this coming May 12th & 13th.
Another highlight of the 50th Reunions at Christopher Newport each May is the outstanding food served at the Friday evening Golden Celebration. There are three courses: salad, entrée, and dessert. Class member Ellen Babb Melvin photographed the entrée (right) enjoyed by attendees at the 50th Reunion of her Class of 1966--a char-grilled filet mignon with a bacon and smoky blue cheese sauce, on a bed of roasted sweet potatoes, rutabagas and beets, with asparagus and yellow squash ring.
Below are 12 more freshmen shown in the 1966 Trident yearbook, some of whom were no doubt members of the sophomore class of 1967, for which there was no yearbook. Please help locate these people!If you have a lead of any kind, contact me, at, or First Decaders Chair Dave Spriggs, at THANK YOU!
Buddy Haley
Above are the 1966 Trident photos (L & M) from page 65 of BARBARA E. GRIFFIN and FRANK GRUNDEN. We have no picture of BUDDY HALEY, but have been told he was on the first Men’s Tennis Team, 1966-67. Perhaps some of his former teammates know where he is now.
Kirby Harrison
The above photos of CHARLES (CHUCK) HANSEN (L) and KIRBY HARRISON (M) are from page 65 of the 1966 Trident. The photo of RALEIGH M. INGRAM (R) is from page 66. CHUCK HANSEN was a Circle K Clubofficer in 1965-66. Maybe other Circle K members can help locate him.
All three photos here are from page 66 of the 1966 Trident. Shown as freshmen that year are (L - R) ANNETTE IRWIN, DAVID W. JOHNSON, and EARL D. LEGGETT. DAVID JOHNSON was very active that year: President of the Baptist Student Union, a member of Circle K, and on the staff ofThe Captain’s Log. Classmates in those organizations might be able to help us locate him now.
Freshman photos of these last three students are from page 67 of the 1966 Trident. Shown are (L - R) THOMAS C. LUND, ELAINE McNEELY, and BILL MANOR.
Having no 1967 yearbook for those who were sophomores in 1967 has created a serious problem. We hope these website photos posted in each issue will help us find many of these former students. We will welcome ALL we find as CNC First Decaders, and CNU will invite those who completed their sophomore year in 1967 to attend theirGolden Anniversary this comingMay 12th & 13th.
One of the highlights of the 50th Reunions at Christopher Newport each May is the awarding of Honorary Alumni Certificates and Alumni Pins, which occurs at the Friday evening Golden Celebration. After his welcoming speech, Scott Millar (CNC '85), recently appointed Rector of CNU's Board of Visitors, presides over this brief ceremony. Each A.A. degree recipient and each non-degree class member receives the honorary certificate and attractive pin, fashioned after the 1970 CNC seal.
Photo by Claude Stanley (CNC '63).
Below are 12 more freshmen shown in the 1966 Trident yearbook, some of whom were no doubt members of the sophomore class of 1967, for which there was no yearbook. Please help locate these people!If you have a lead of any kind, contact me, at, or First Decaders Chair Dave Spriggs, at THANK YOU!
The three photos above are all from page 62 of the 1966 Trident. The students are (L - R) BRIAN CHRISTENBURY, MICHAEL COBURN, and JUDITH ANN (JUDY) COLLINS. Judy is also shown in that yearbook as a freshman member of the Student Government Association (SGA). Maybe other SGA members of that time can help us locate Judy.
The picture of WAYNE COMBS (above L) is from p. 62 of the 1966 Trident. Those of FRED CUNNINGHAM (above M) and DAVID DOUGLAS (above R) are from p. 63 of that yearbook.
These 1966 freshman are (L - R) DIANNE M. DUFFIELD (now FLIPPEN), CARROLL WALTER ERNEST, and PHYLORA FEEBACK. Dianne's photo is on page 63 of the 1966 Trident. The photos of the other two are on page 64.
I have an address in Newport News for GEORGE B. FLOWE, Jr. (photo L above) , but it has not yet been verified. The phone number for him is not in service. His photo is from page 64 of the 1966 Trident. The pictures for BILL GIBSON (M above) and JOHN E. GRAHAM (R above) are from p. 65 of theTrident. BILL is also pictured in that yearbook in the group photos of the All-Star Football Team and the Circle K Club. Maybe some members of those organizations can help locate him.
Please help locate these former CNC students. Having no 1967 yearbook for those who were sophomores in 1967 has created a serious problem. We hope these website photos posted in each issue through March will help us find many of these former students. Not all of them pictured and/or named will have continued at CNC; not all of them will have completed their sophomore studies by Spring or Summer of 1967. However, we will welcome ALL we find as CNC First Decaders, and CNU will invite those who completed their sophomore year in 1967 to attend their Golden Anniversary this comingMay 12th & 13th.
CNU wants to WINE and DINE, for FREE, both the degree and the non-degree Class of 1967 members at their 50th Reunion in May, and we also want to invite them to join our CNC First Decaders. As the photo right shows, from the Golden Celebration Dinner of the Class of 1966, CNU's 50th Reunions are wonderful, memorable, FIRST CLASS celebrations. The couple shown are Dalton and Norman Blankenship.
Because no 1967 yearbook was created at CNC, the freshman class photos in the 1966Trident are our major means of identifying and locating the 1967 sophomores in addition to the degree recipients listed in the June 1967 Commencement program. From now through March, we will post here the names and photos (when possible) of those 1966 freshmen not yet located, many of whom were no doubt in the 1967 sophomore class.
Your help in finding class members not yet locatedis vital!If you have a lead of any kind, contact me ( or First Decaders Chair Dave Spriggs ( THANK YOU!
The 3 photos above, from page 60 of the 1966Trident, show (left - right) PETER J. ANTOSKOW, last known living in Chesapeake, VA; MARTIN ARMISTEAD, last known living in Nashua, NH; and SUSAN BARTGIS.
Photos above of 3 young women are from page 61 of the 1966 Trident. The students are (left - right) SANDRA J. BROOKS,ANNA MAY BROWN, andCAROL BUCK.Finding women is much harder than finding men, since the women who later married changed their last names.
The above photos of JOHN BUSH (left) and BARRY S. BYRD (middle) are from page 61 of the 1966Trident, and that of CHRISTINE CARNEY (right) is from page 62. The name BOB BRUCE is also on my B list, but I could find no photo of him anywhere.
The pictures of BERNARD CARROLL (above left) and ANNE CHARLES (middle) are from page 62 of the 1966 Trident. That of BILL CHORBA was taken from the group photo of the Circle K Club, on p. 50 of that yearbook.
Please help locate these people. In all, there are 82 of them, so each issue of our website will feature about a dozen. Not all of them will have continued at CNC, of course, or completed their sophomore studies by Spring or Summer of 1967, but we will welcome ALL we find as CNC First Decaders, and CNU will invite those who completed their sophomore year in 1967 to attend the Golden Anniversary Celebration of their class this coming May.
Both A.A. degree recipients and non-degree sophomores in CNC's Class of 1967 will celebrate their class's 50th Anniversary at CNU on the weekend ofMay 12 & 13, 2017 (Fri. & Sat.). They will be wined and dined, entertained by musicians, given campus tours and gifts--in short, treated like royalty, and at no charge. They will enjoy outstanding food, beverages,gifts and special attention by a host ofCNU people--from wait staff and students to Alumni Relations officers and University administrators.
Unfortunately, however, since no yearbook was produced during this class's sophomore year, there are a great number--possibly many dozens--of class members who, if not located before May, will miss an opportunity to attend this very special event. You can help us find them. From now through April, we will post names and (when possible) photos of A.A. degree recipients not yet found and freshmen pictured in the 1966 Trident who might have been members of the sophomore class in 1967.
1966 Trident, p. 60. NOTE: Above caption is from the yearbook also. Correct spelling of "Parteger" is Pargeter.
Above are the Freshman Class Officers in 1966. Judy Anderson (now Ward) was located in time to attend the 2011 First Reunion of CNC's First Decaders. The other three have not yet been located. We have no additional photo of Ken Pargeter, but below are the Trident portraits of the other two.
Carol Strickland, Freshman Class President & SGA Board member. 1966 Trident, p. 71.
Seven of the 29 A.A.degreerecipients in1967 have not yet been located. We have no photos of these four: John Michael Joyce (last known in Thailand), Jewel Plentovich (married name Thomas), Lydia Branham Smith, and Patricia Dezern Turner. The last two were married while at CNC, both students of mine, and I think both were older than the other students. I think Mrs. Turner might be deceased. Photos of the other three degree recipients are below, all from the 1966 Trident.
Donna Rae Miles (p. 58).
Donna Skipper Pultz (p. 70).
Bruce Randolph Weston (p. 73).
PLEASE HELP locate these missing members of the Class of 1967. If you have a lead of any kind, please contact either me or Dave Spriggs. My email and my phone is (757) 238-9629. Calls are screened, so clearly leave your name, number, and a message. Dave's email Thank you for your help!