Who is this Talented Handler of Coke bottles? (Ads section, 1964 Trident)
1965 DIRECTORY of CNC Students: Cover. Publication by CNC's Circle K
1965 Directory: Title Page
1965 Diectory: Sample page
1965 Directory: Last Page
(L-R) Charles (Chuck) Burcher, Mary Ann Kearns (now Schoultz) and (probably) Jeff Page. 1964 TRIDENT, Ads section.
Left: Lorena Elder Smith (FD '63) and Right: Librarian Bette Mosteller
Douglas E. Tillberg (FD 64) of Virginia Beach. When contacted, Doug confirmed it is he and said he still has that slide rule he was holding. Asked about the math in the upper left corner of the photo, he wrote, "the formula is gibberish but still wrong. It should read 'fcn of x2 divided by fcn of y2 = sq. root of 2xy + epsilon – delta' where epsilon and delta are some variable." The math was added to the photo just to make it "look like I knew what I was talking about."
Douglas E. Tillberg
Link to Christopher Newport University home page: http://cnu.edu