The second fall luncheon of Christopher Newport's First Decaders took place on September 22, 2019 in the Board Room at CNU, located on the second floor of David Student Union. At least 40 people attended and a good time was had by all. The above picture was taken in the area outside the Board Room, at the conclusion of the event, by CNU's Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, Katie Monteith (CNU '11). Some people had already left before the photo was taken. Perhaps future group photos should be taken before the food is served?
Both pictures above were taken by Katie Monteith, inside the Board Room. The left photo shows (L-R) Julian Padowicz, Wade Williams (behind him), Donna Lass Carter (married to Julian), Charles Cook (standing), and Lenore and Sam McIntyre. The right photo shows (L-R) Richard and Donna Skipper Pultz, and Candy Hixson Whitley and husband David Whitley.
These two pictures are courtesy of Ellen Babb Melvin (CNC '66, W&M '68). The first one shows (L-R) CNU's Director of Alumni Relations, Baxter Vendrick, Ellen Babb Melvin, and Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, Katie Monteith. The second photo is of (L-R) Wayne Rammell, Joe Hutchko, and Woody Compton.
Taken by Katie Monteith, the above picture shows (L-R): Ellen Wirt, Ray Pepe (standing), Ellen Babb Melvin, Charlie Snead, David Spriggs (standing behind him), Thommy Snead, and Mary Ellen Wilkinson.
On the left is one of several individual close-up photos taken by Ellen Babb Melvin. Pictured is the chairperson of the CNC First Decaders, David Spriggs, aka "Cap'n Dave," who retired from the U.S. Navy at that rank. On the right, also courtesy of Ellen, is a photo of (L-R) Ellen Babb Melvin, me (A. Jane Chambers, founder of the First Decaders), and Ellen Wirt.
The people in this last photo are (L-R) Joe Hutchko, Wayne and Wanda Rammell, Sue and Woody Compton, and sisters Marsha Hunter Gray and Susan Hunter Engler. Marsha and Susan, Special Guests at the event, are the daughters of recently deceased biology instructor Georgia Hunter, the first and only female on the original CNC faculty when the college opened (September 18, 1961). Their father, Bob Hunter, volunteer coach of flag football at CNC in the mid-sixties, was unable to attend our luncheon. Perhaps he can attend the 2020 September event.
Part 2of this article, featuring more photographs, will be posted on October 18. Others who took pictures at this luncheon are invited to send them to cncmemories61_71@yahoo.comno later than October 11 (Friday). Identify all people in them please.
Luncheon attendees are shown here listening to Baxter Vendrick, Director of Alumni Relations, as he announced not-yet-published coming projects at CNU that would be front page news about a week later in the Daily Press of September 28. These projects will include (1) a new four-story administration building on the site of the former Hidenwood Post Office, (2) demolition of the former Suntrust Bank building (now CNU North), (3) creation of a green space on that corner lot, which might eventually be used for additional construction, and (4) a new apartment building on the East Campus that will replace older student housing, to help meet the request of CNU seniors to live on campus all four years.
The photo above left of Baxter Vendrick is by Ellen Babb Melvin (class of 1966). The photo above right of Jane Chambers, founder of the CNC First Decaders, is by Katie Monteith.
Shown in this photo, also by Katie, are (L-R) Kay Rinfrette, Jane Chambers, Lois Wright (who earned the first CNC AA degree, in 1962), Fred Mays, his wife Patty Andrews Mays (class of '63) , and Jo Berry Sinclair ('63) People at the other five tables are shown in Part 1 of this article.
Shown left are Ellen Babb Melvin ('66) with Charlie Snead (AA, '66) and wife Thommy; shown right are Charlie and Thommy leaving CNU's David Student Union after the luncheon. The Sneads, like Ellen, are both also William and Mary alumni. They drive 900 miles round trip from and to their home in Hendersonville, NC for every September reunion of the CNC First Decaders. Newport News High School sweethearts, Charlie and Thommy have also been married 51 years. (Photos by Ellen)
Ellen made some good close-up individual pictures also. On the left above is Joe Hutchko, and on the right is Wade Williams. In 1965-66 Joe was a Circle K officer and on CNC's first track team and All-Star Flag Football team. After 4 years in the USAF (1 year in Vietnam), he returned to CNC and earned a BS in Management Information Science in 1974. Wade ("Iron Man") was also on that first track team. Married and a father, Wade worked full time while taking courses at CNC 1963 - 68, then completed his B.A. in English at Old Dominion in 1969. In this photo, he is sitting outside CNU's alumni house, waiting to drive Jane and Kay back to Isle of Wight.
This last photo, made in front of Klich Alumni House, is a "Thank You" to Annie Clarke (CNU, '21), the student who was our "cabbie" for this September reunion, driving attendees to and from Parking Lot M (in front of the alumni house) and David Student Union, location of the luncheon. At every First Decaders event at CNU, there are student drivers like Annie who, along with the Alumni Relations staff, serve us with smiles and dedication.
To register by phone, call Katie Monteith at (757) 594-8989
September 22nd Luncheon Details:
Menu, Map, Alumni House Tour
and Planning to Attend List
LUNCHEON: 1 PM until 4 PM - David Student Union Building - 2nd FLOOR
ALUMNI HOUSE TOUR: Noon until 12:45 PM
CNU will provide the following:
MEAL at 50% cost-- $10per person. The actual cost will be about $20 per person, but the Alumni Relations Office will cover the difference thanks to Director Baxter Vendrick!
Hamburger Sliders
[plain and cheese on brioche buns] Tomato mayo bacon sandwiches
Deviled eggs
Baked beans
Macaroni salad
Potato salad
Watermelon Mojito salad [Basic ingredients are watermelon, cucumber, mint, and lime zest or juice]
21. Ray Pepe.....................................Ruth Pepe
22. Jo Berry Sinclair
23. Jay (Kit) Warren
24. Ellen Wirt
25. Jim Cornette
26. Jan Giguere Clarke...................Ken Clarke
FACULTY & STAFF......................and GUESTS
1. Jane Chambers ............................. Kay Rinfrette
2. Baxter Vendrick (Director of Alumni Relations)
3. Katie Monteith (Assistant Director of Alumni Relations)
4. Barry Wood (possibly)....................Ann Wood
Susan Hunter Engler and Marsha Hunter Gray, daughters of Georgia Hunter (deceased) and Bob Hunter.
From the Warwick Blvd/J. C. Morris intersection, follow Ave. of the Artsto the roundabout (circle). Proceed 3/4 of the way around it toShoe Lane. FollowShoe briefly to the first right turn, which is the entrance to the parking lot and theAlumni House. The Alumni House faces parkingLot M(your parking destination). From there, Golf Cartswill transport you to David Student Union if you don't want to walk.
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