The Memorabilia Gallery spotlights a few items of CNC Memorabilia from the first (and sometimes second) decade. Items shown range from those that were showcased during the University's 50th Anniversary (in the First Decade Display in the CNU library) to those that most of our readers have not seen before, including some memorabilia only recently acquired.
If you have memorabilia of possible interest, please contact Jane Chambers about it. If it is something we do not already have, we will be happy to display it here if you will send a clear photograph of it to
CNC Tuition Receipt, first year, 2nd sem. 1961-62. Courtesy of Patty Lottinville Kipps.
CNC jewelry, first year: 1961 pin. Courtesy of Claude and Karen Graeb Stanley.
First page, first issue of THE CAPTAIN'S LOG, 11/07/63 (cnc'S THIRD YEAR). Courtesy of CNU library.
First leaders of CNC's first Track team. DAILY PRESS photo (04/04/65). Courtesy of Coach Raoul Weinstein.
Letter of Instruction from Registrar Nancy Ramseur: CNC's 5th Commencement Exercises (June 1966). Courtesy of Brenda B. Carney.
Cover, 1970 TRIDENT, dedicated to Mrs. Doris Reppen, Chairman of the Modern Languages Department.
Memorabilia Gallery: No. 2
The Memorabilia Gallery spotlights a few items of CNC Memorabilia from the first (and sometimes second) decade. Items shown range from those that were showcased during the University's 50th Anniversary (in the First Decade Display in the CNU library) to those that most of our readers have not seen before, including some memorabilia only recently acquired.
If you have memorabilia of possible interest, please contact Jane Chambers about it. If it is something we do not already have, we will be happy to display it here if you will send a clear photograph of it to
Click on the photos below to enlarge them.
CNC's first Miss CNC crowned, Dec. 1962. L to R: Virginia Carey, Lorena Elder, Charlotte Anderson (Miss CNC), Jim Cornette (SGA President). Photo courtesy of Charlotte Anderson Stephan.
Final Exams Schedule for Fall Semester, 1962-63 academic year. Courtesy of James (Jay) Dunn.
Historic Scenes of CNC's first track event. DAILY PRESS, April 4, 1965, p. 3C. Courtesy of Coach Raoul Weinstein.
CNC banner with the College's 2nd seal. Donated by Fred Mays.
Riverside freshmen nursing students in front of Newport Hall. 1967 ALTRUIST (Riverside School of Nursing yearbook), p. 58. Courtesy of Phyllis Keith Fritschi.
1969 CNC Commencement Exercises program. Courtesy of Susan Argabright Frith.
Memorabilia Gallery: No. 3
The Memorabilia Gallery spotlights a few items of CNC Memorabilia from the first (and sometimes second) decade. Items shown range from those that were showcased during the University's 50th Anniversary (in the First Decade Display in the CNU library) to those that most of our readers have not seen before, including some memorabilia only recently acquired.
If you have memorabilia of possible interest, please contact Jane Chambers about it. If it is something we do not already have, we will be happy to display it here if you will send a clear photograph of it to
Click on the photos below to enlarge them.
CNC's first sweatshirt, 1961-62 academic year. Notice the W&M colors and the CNC/W&M seal. Courtesy of First Decaders Claude and Karen Stanley.
Front page of the first issue of the first CNC student newspaper: CHRIS'S CRIER, dated Nov. 16, 1961, and edited by Lorena Elder [now Smith]. Courtesy of CNU library archives.
Cover, 1965 DIRECTORY of CNC Students and Riverside Nursing Students. This was a Circle K project, edited by Louis Tapia.
Pages 4 and 5 of the 65 DIRECTORY, from Dianne Boudreau - Katie Dempsey.
Cover of the 1969 TRIDENT, edited by Ray Webb and dedicated to Dr. Ruth Mulliken.
1968 Commencement Exercises for June 7, 1968. Courtesy of Nelson D. Baer.
Memorabilia Gallery: No. 4
The Memorabilia Gallery spotlights a few items of CNC Memorabilia from the first (and sometimes second) decade. Items shown range from those that were showcased during the University's 50th Anniversary (in the First Decade Display in the CNU library) to those that most of our readers have not seen before, including some memorabilia only recently acquired.
If you have memorabilia of possible interest, please contact Jane Chambers about it. If it is something we do not already have, we will be happy to display it here if you will send a clear photograph of it to
Click on the photos below to enlarge them.
CNC Charm for bracelet, 1961-62 (College's opening year). Courtesy of Jo Berry Sinclair.
CNC Fall Registration article in the Newport News TIMES-HERALD, Sept. 13, 1963, p. 17. This was the College's 3rd year and the 2nd year the Riverside nursing students attended. Courtesy of Lorena Elder Smith.
CNC's first track victory described, Spring, 1965, against Frederick Military. From Coach Raoul Weinstein's TRACK SCRAPBOOK for 1964-65 & 1965-66 seasons.
1966 Dean's List letter of notification to Virginia Graef from Nancy Ramseur. Courtesy of Virginia (Ginger) Graef Smith.
Commencement Exercises for June 12, 1970. Courtesy of Timothy C. (Tim) Hester.
Student Life section of the 1971 CNC CATALOG, listing all organizations. Photo by
Patricia Flowers Skinner (63 FD, 65 RSPN) has pointed out an error in the caption under CNC Fall Registration 1963. That fall was not "the first year Riverside School of Professional Nursing attended CNC," but the 2nd. "My nursing class of September, 1962 was the first to attend through RSPN," Pat wrote. "We spent our first 2 semesters of the nursing year [1962-63] attending CNC." She is right and we have corrected this error. Pat added that she loves receiving the weekly First Decaders schedule and looks forward to attending the Sept. 30th picnic. We thank Pat for her correction and her loyalty to the First Decaders!
Memorabilia Gallery: No. 5
The Memorabilia Gallery spotlights a few items of CNC Memorabilia from the first (and sometimes second) decade. Items shown range from those that were showcased during the University's 50th Anniversary (in the First Decade Display in the CNU library) to those that most of our readers have not seen before, including some memorabilia only recently acquired.
If you have memorabilia of possible interest, please contact Jane Chambers about it. If it is something we do not already have, we will be happy to display it here if you will send a clear photograph of it to
Click on the photos below to enlarge them.
This impressive, heavy CNC Bowling League trophy from May, 1963, is made of marble and metal. The inscription on the base reads: CNC LG, 62-63, 1st Place Team [LG=League]. On display at CNU during the 50th Anniversary, the trophy belongs to Marianne Skelley Coates (64), shown in the photo to the right.
DAILY PRESS photo of CNC's Bowling League Winners with their trophies (Tues., May 7, 1963, p. 10). Marianne Skelley Coates (64) provided this photo and the photo of her trophy.
Last page (p. 20) of the 1965 DIRECTORY produced by Circle K and edited by Louis Tapia.
Copy of a 1968-69 CNC Student ID, provided by Harold H. Walker (71).
DAILY PRESS article about CNC's first 4-year degree class, June of 1971.
DP article continued (documentation incomplete)
Memorabilia Gallery: No. 6
The Memorabilia Gallery spotlights a few items of CNC Memorabilia from the first (and sometimes second) decade. Items shown range from those that were showcased during the University's 50th Anniversary (in the First Decade Display in the CNU library) to those that most of our readers have not seen before, including some memorabilia only recently acquired.
If you have memorabilia of possible interest, please contact Jane Chambers about it. If it is something we do not already have, we will be happy to display it here if you will send a clear photograph of it to
Click on the photos below to enlarge them.
WGH Personalities of 1959, from the collection of Ron Lowder.
WGH Top 30 list, 1959, from the collection of Ron Lowder.
1966 CNC Commencement Exercises, courtesy of Charles Snead.
The first CNC Alumni Newsletter, Oct. 29, 1971, courtesy of Wayne Barry.
Memorabilia Gallery: No. 7
Spotlighted here are items from the College’s first (and sometimes second) decade. These range from memorabilia showcased during the University's recent 50th Anniversary (in the First Decade Display in the CNU library) to items recently submitted by our readers.
If you have CNCmemorabilia of possible interest, please contact me at, or at (757) 238-9629. If what you have is something not already in our collection, we will be happy to display it here. If you can, send a clear photographof the item.
Title page, first CNC DIRECTORY(undated; no doubt 1961-62). Names listed: Richard M. Aaron - Kerry Byrd. DIRECTORY pages courtesy of Lorena Elder Smith (63 FD).
CNC DIRECTORY, p. 2. Names listed: Carolyn E. Carey - Jack E. Goddard.
CNC DIRECTORY, p. 3. Names listed: James H. Godwin, Jr. - Joyce K. Lee.
Undocumented newspaper photo (1962 or 63) of first CNC Soph. Class Pres. Ed Knight presenting class donation to Director H. W. Cunningham toward cornerstone of first building on new campus. Clipping courtesy ofCarolyn Knight.
June 4, 1965 CNC Graduation Program, listing 27 degree candidates, the largest class to date. Photo courtesy of Robert W. (Bob) Gray (AA, 65).
June 4, 1965 Commencement, first on new campus (Shoe Lane), in Newport Hall Lecture Room. Left foreground: James C. Windsor (then Student Personnel Officer) and Director H. Westcott Cunningham prepare to confer degrees. Photo courtesy of Sean Heuvel, from CNU Archives.
Cover of the 1970-71 CNC CATALOG. Scans from copy owned by Jane Chambers.
Title page, 1970-71 CNC CATALOG.
Photo of Acting President James C. Windsor talking with a student: 1970-71 CNC CATALOG, p. 4.
Memorabilia Gallery: No. 8
Spotlighted here are items from the College’s first (and sometimes second) decade. These range from memorabilia showcased during the University's recent 50th Anniversary (in the First Decade Display in the CNU library) to items recently submitted by our readers.
If you have CNCmemorabilia of possible interest, please contact me at, or at (757) 238-9629. If what you have is something not already in our collection, we will be happy to display it here. If you can, send a clear photographof the item.
First CNC DIRECTORY (1961-62), p. 4 : Patricia A. Lottinville - Sandra A. Richards. Courtesy of Lorena Elder Smith.
First CNC DIRECTORY, p. 5 : Luther L. Richardson - William R. Turner. Courtesy of Lorena Elder Smith.
WGH Radio: Top 30 Hits list, August of 1961. Courtesy of Ron Lowder.
"Weinstein's Charges 'Come Through' in First Track Meet of Season," CAPTAIN'S LOG, [March ?], 1966, p. 4. Courtesy of Raoul Weinstein.
Student Poll: "Should Marijuana Be Legalized?"--CAPTAIN'S LOG, Dec. 12, 1969. Courtesy of Bob Schlagal.
Spotlighted here are items from the College’s first (and sometimes second) decade. These range from memorabilia showcased in the First Decade Display in the CNU library during the University's 2011-12 50th Anniversary Celebration to items recently submitted by our CNC alumni (students and faculty) and other readers of our website.
If you have CNCmemorabilia of possible interest, please contact me at, or at (757) 238-9629. If what you have is something not already in our collection, we will be happy to display it here. Donated items will be saved until a permanent home for them is available on the CNU campus—in the Alumni House, we hope, which is scheduled to be built in the latter part of this decade.CLICK thumbnail photos below to enlarge them.
First CNC DIRECTORY, p. 6: from Herbert G. Vaughan - Gerald C. Zoumplis. DIRECTORY pages 1-5 are in the Mem. Galleries archive (4th tab in left margin), numbers 7 & 8. DIRECTORY Courtesy of Lorena Elder Smith.
First CNC DIRECTORY, p. 7: Faculty (10 people) & Staff (6).
"Biology Teacher Is Lone Woman"--unidentified newspaper article (probably from the DAILY PRESS or TIMES-HERALD) about Georgia Hunter, the only female member of the original CNC Faculty. The date was probably Fall 1961 or Spring 1962. Courtesy of Ellen Rankin Powell Lasher.
CNC AA class rings as shown in the 1966 TRIDENT, p. 30. WHO HAS ONE? We need some more info on these earliest rings, plus close-up photos.
IBM Computer cards with CNC seal dating from 1970. Specific date unknown. Donated by Dr. Sam Bauer.
Black CNC mug with gold seal. Date unknown. Donated by Dr. Sam Bauer.
Memorabilia Gallery: No. 10
By A. Jane Chambers
Spotlighted here are items from the College’s first (and sometimes second) decade. These range from memorabilia showcased in the First Decade Display in the CNU library during the University's 2011-12 50th Anniversary Celebration to items recently submitted by our CNC alumni (students and faculty) and other readers of our website.
If you have CNCmemorabilia of possible interest, please contact me at, or at (757) 238-9629. If what you have is something not already in our collection, we will be happy to display it here. Donated items will be saved until a permanent home for them is available on the CNU campus—in the Alumni House, we hope, which is scheduled to be built in the latter part of this decade.CLICK thumbnail photos below to enlarge them.
June 4, 1964 Commencement Exercises. Courtesy of Claude & Karen Graeb Stanley.
"Track Team Gains Bright Prospects From Freshmen," THE CAPTAIN'S LOG, sometime in the 1965-66 Session. Courtesy of Raoul Weinstein.
"CNC Dramatic Club Presents Two One-Act Historical Plays," THE CAPTAIN'S LOG, Vol. 2, Issue 3 (March 10, 1965), p. 1. Courtesy of Betty Carle Cheatham.
"Oceanography Dept. Expands," THE CAPTAIN'S LOG, Vol. 2, Issue 2 (Sept. 25, 1970), p. 1. Courtesy of Dr. Harold Cones.
CUNNINGHAMS CAP: Cecy and Scotty Cunningham. Undated family photo, reproduced on the "Dedication" page of MEMORIES OF CHRISTOPHER NEWPORT COLLEGE: THE FIRST DECADE.
Leather briefcase with CNC seal of 1971 and later.
Memorabilia Gallery No. 11:
First Men’s Tennis Teams: 1966-68
By A. Jane Chambers
The first yearbook that shows a tennis team at CNC is the 1971 Trident. Photos of the men’s tennis team and coach, Jack Armistead, along with a brief write-up about the team, share page 66 of that yearbook with a photo of and statement about the men’s golf team and its coach, Dr. BobEdwards. But tennis was a team sport for men at CNC well before the 1970-71 session, as proven by the memorabilia below, sent by First Decader John Wayne Morris (70).
This Spring 1968 Men's Tennis Schedule probably came from the office of James C. Windsor, then Dean of Students. All photos except the last in this article are courtesy of John Wayne Morris (FD 70).
The opening paragraph, juxtaposed with the Tennis Schedule, tells us this article was probably published the morning of April 8, 1968, possibly in the Daily Press.
The article “Captains Make Net Debut Today” is a goldmine of information about the 1968 team. The opening paragraph tells us there was also a CNC tennis team the year before (1967). Paragraph 3 tells us two men on the 1968 team also played on that 1967 team: John Morris and Mark Hughes. Most importantly, the rest of the article gives the names of all of the players. The men listed that are currently documented First Decaders are Phil Hopkins, Mark Hughes, John Morris, Wayne Schell, & David Scoggins. We are looking for these other players: Mike Adams, Karl Hargraves, James Kooi, Wayne Melton [not Milton], Kevin Nolan & Kenneth Shelton. If you know where any of them are, please contact FD Chair Dave Spriggs ( or me (; ph: 757-238-9629). Notice also that the coach that season was Bev Vaughan.
This article is apparently about that first game of the 1968 season (April 8), against Christchurch School, at Christchurch--although the article (sent to the Daily Press) is not identified by date. April 8, 1968 was a Monday, the match day given in the article.
This second article, also undated, but sent to the DP, is probably about the second 1968 CNC-Christchurch match (see Schedule above). That match was on May 2, 1968, which was a Thursday. Notice also mention of the coming Saturday match (May 4, at home, against Chowan)--the last match of the season. May 4 that year was indeed a Saturday.
This undated article (Special to the Daily Press) quite possibly is about the April 29, 1968 CNC-Chowan contest shown on the Schedule because that date was a Monday. The players are all team of 1968 members also.
The 2 contests with Virginia Weslyan listed on the 1968 Schedule were on Fridays, (April 12 & April April 26) but this article gives the match date as a Tuesday. There must have been a schedule change for at least this one.
This document, signed by James C. Windsor, then the Dean of Students, proves there WAS a tennis team in 1966-67 as well as 1967-68--as stated in the first newspaper clipping (photo 2) shown here.
This newspaper article (no date & no source given) lists what was no doubt our FIRST tennis team: 4 men who are documented First Decaders (David Hall, Mark Hughes [nicknamed Markus], Kit O'Mara, & Mike Witty) and 2 men not yet located (Buddy Haley & Kenny Spencer). This team dates back to the 1965-66 academic year. Both Hall and O'Mara played on the All-Star Flag Football team then (see photo, 1966 Trident, p. 81). From 1966-69, Hall was in the Navy, returning later to complete his degree in 1973, so he could not have been on the 1966-67 team. Also, Mark Hughes remembers playing in 1966 as well as 1967 & 68.
JOHN WAYNE MORRIS,whose valuable memorabilia is featured here, not only helped start the tennis program at CNC but also was the first student to serve as Director of the College’s Intramural Program. Then he played tennis for VCU while completing his BS degree. After teaching 25 years in Albemarle and Charlottesville public schools, he earned his MEd at UVA and served 11 years at UVA as Associate Director of the Intramural Program, Head Coach of Women’s Tennis, and Assistant Coach of Men’s Tennis. He is presently Boys Tennis Coach at Charlottesville High School and a tennis instructor at Boars Head Sports Club. He and his wife, Kimberly, an alumna of Mary Washington, have three children.
Photo of John Morris inside CNC's Ratcliffe Gymnasium, from an undated Times-Herald article, "Students, Faculty Join In Battle Through CNC Intramural Sports."
Published June 28, 2013
Memorabilia Gallery No.12:
Class of 1964 Memories
Group 1
By A. Jane Chambers
Remember the Letter of Acceptance you received, signed by Registrar Nancy A. Ramseur? The Tuition Payment receipt, signed by Accountant Edna Appleton? The Fall 1962 Final Exam Schedule, signaling your first major hurdle in the academic world of CNC? Remember the CNC Library at the back of the basement in the Old Daniel Building, and young librarian Bette Mosteller? Did you play Bridge, drink Cokes, snack, or study in the Student Lounge in the front of the basement? Did you buy one of the first CNC sweatshirts or one of the first items of CNC jewelry? Who was your professor for History? Math? Chemistry? Next week there will be more images of your CNC history in Group 2. Enjoy this trip down Memory Lane.
CNC Acceptance Letter. Copy courtesy of Jay Dunn (Class of 1964).
CNC Tuition Receipt. Copy courtesy of Patty Lottinville Kipps (Class of 1963).
Final Exam Schedule for Fall, 1962. Copy courtesy of Jay Dunn.
Librarian Bette Mosteller and student Jay Dunn in the basement library of CNC’s first home. From CHRISTOPHER NEWPORT UNIVERSITY, by Sean Heuvel, p. 19.
Some students used the Lounge as a place to study. Are you in this picture from the 1964 TRIDENT?
Other students used the Lounge as a place to play Bridge. Is that Karen Graeb with that Ace in her sock? 1964 TRIDENT photo.
CNC men’s lapel pin. Photo courtesy of Guy Futrell (Class of 1964).
CNC pin for ladies. Photo courtesy of Karen Graeb Stanley (Class of 1964).
Circle K lapel pin. Photo courtesy of Guy Futrell.
CNC’s first sweatshirt, available in William and Mary green, then later in CNC blue. Notice the original seal. Photo courtesy of Claude Stanley (Class of 1963).
Which professor did you have for history at CNC? Mr. Usry remained at CNC until his death in 1971. Mr. Sutton left after 1964. We do not know where he is now. 1964 TRIDENT photos, p. 14.
Did you study math under Col. Lawson or Mr. Vargas? Mr. Vargas left to study for his doctorate and did not return. Both men are now deceased. 1964 TRIDENT photos, p. 11.
Did you study chemistry at CNC? Mrs. Byrn is deceased. Mr. Neal left to pursue his doctorate and did not return. We do not know where he is now. 1964 TRIDENT photos, p. 11.
Memorabilia Gallery No.13:
Class of 1964 Memories
Group 2
By A. Jane Chambers
Remember CNC’s first home, at 222 Thirty-second Street? The former JohnW.DanielElementary School was built in 1914. It had four stories, counting the basement—which housed not only the furnace room but also the library, the student lounge, and bomb shelter supplies, as the building was to be a community shelter if the Russians dropped an atomic bomb on us. The top floor held the auditorium, used for events ranging from orientation and lectures to final exams and commencement.
Daily Press photo, reprinted in Memories of Christopher Newport College: The First Decade (Chambers, Hubbard, Wood), p. 9.
1964 Trident photo, p. 57.
Remember those classrooms with their extremely high ceilings (20 feet at least) on every floor except the basement? And those extremely tall classroom windows, 12 feet high? Maybe even 15? Although the old Daniel building had no air conditioning, even on hot days the ventilation was quite good. It helped too that we often had nice breezes from the nearby James River. In the classrooms, chalkboards were still blackboards, chalk was white, and floors were wood. There were hooks for coats under shelves across the backs of rooms and students sat at heavy wooden desks that had ample storage beneath them for books and notebooks.
Notice the cloakroom area at the back and the desks. 1964 Trident photo, p. 57.
Notice the very tall windows (upper halves shaded). 1964 Trident photo, p. 57.
Did you study biology at CNC? If so, who was your professor, Mrs. Hunter or Mr. Brewer? Mrs. Hunter was the only female who taught at CNC in its opening year (1961- 62) and also headed the dance committee for the very first dance the students held. Mr. Brewer sponsored CNC’s first glee club. He left in 1965 to pursue his doctorate but never returned to us. He is now deceased.
Charles Fred Brewer
Georgia Morris Hunter
Below are four administrators, at least three of whom you probably met before you even met your CNC professors. Mr. Dunaway and Mrs. Appleton were always in the same place: the Business Office. They collected your money each semester and as guardians of the College’s finances, they were…well, Penny Pinchers, which was good, because money was always rather tight in those early days. Both stayed with the College until their retirements. Both died some years ago. Miss Ramseur was both Registrar and Admissions Officer: the lady who sent your letter of admission and other important official notices. Before her untimely death in an auto accident in England, she became the first Dean of Admissions at CNC. Miss Mosteller, the Librarian, also remained with the college until she too met an untimely death in an auto accident on I-64 near Williamsburg.
Our first CNC Captain was of course H. Westcott Cunningham. He was sent to Newport News by his alma mater, William and Mary, where he then served as Dean of Admissions. His job was to make CNC happen. And to make it thrive. And he did a marvelous job of both tasks. Few students knew of his World War 2 Naval service in the Pacific, where he commanded a PT boat, or knew the fact that he left the Navy as Captain Cunningham. Scotty unfortunately left this planet in 2008, but not without knowing a book was being written that was going to be dedicated to him. This photo, from the Dedication page of Memories of Christopher Newport College: The First Decade, shows CNC’s first Captain with his lovely First Mate, Cecil Cary (Cecy) Cunningham. Mrs. Cunningham and their daughter, Ann Cunningham Stachura, look forward to being with you at the 50thReunion.
Cecy and Scotty Cunningham
Published April 18, 2014
Memorabilia Gallery No.14, Men’s Sports:
Mementos from
Joe Hutchko and Bill Smith
by A. Jane Chambers
Photos 1 – 4 below were made by Joseph F. (Joe) Hutchko, whofirst attended CNC in the academic year 1965-66, then left to serve in the U.S. Air Force for four years (including one year in Vietnam), and then returned to CNCin 1970, where he earned his B.S. degree in Management Information Science in 1974. In 1965-66, Joe was on the first men’s track team and also on the flag football team co-captained by Dick Lamb and Mike Payne that beat Old Dominion College 28–8. The team was coached by Bob Hunter, husband of CNC biology instructor Georgia Hunter. Photos 1 and 2 below are Joe’s sports mementos from 1965-66.
Joe Hutchko describes this half-century old short-sleeved sweatshirt shown above as “the famous sweatshirt from the All-Star Flag Football victory over Old Dominion in 1965.” The 1966Trident photo of that flag football team (p. 81) shows some of the players in this short-sleeved shirt and others in a long-sleeved version of it, all with the original CNC seal surrounded by the words “Christopher Newport College.” This photo and Dick Lamb’scomments about that game are on pages 100–101 in Memories of Christopher Newport College: The First Decade.
The photo above right is of Joe’s track letter from the same year. Bob Deans, also on this first CNC track team, has his navy blue sweater with this same letter on it, which was on display in Trible Library during 2011. Math instructor Raoul Weinstein coached this first track team. Coach Jim Hubbard’s essay on men’s early track (Memories, pages 110–117) has more information, plus photos. Men’s track was the first intercollegiate sport at Christopher Newport.
Above left is Joe’s photo of his track letter from, he believes, the 1970-71 academic year—his first year back at CNC after being in the Air Force. The track coach then was Jim Hubbard, who took over the program in 1967. Bob Deans has this identical letter on his leather jacket from 1971, when he too was again on the track team. At the same time that Joe was serving in the Air Force (1966-70), Bob was serving in the Navy. Both men returned to the sport of track at CNC in the fall of 1970 and lettered in it. Bob completed his studies at our College with a B.A. in History in 1972.
Above right is a photo of Joe’s rather impressive trophy for his 3rd place finish in the 1972 May Day Car Rally, which Joe describes as“a little bit of history probably forgotten” by most. The story of that event, along with some additional 1972 Trident photos related to it, will be told in a separate website article.
These last two photographs are of framed track memorabilia donated to our collection by William G. (Bill) Smith. Like Joe Hutchko, Bill served in the Air Force, but before he came to CNC. He served from 1959-63, with a two-year tour in Germany. At CNC, Bill was first a part-time student, taking classes in the evenings while working in the Newport News Shipyard (1963-65) and then a full-time student (1965-67), during which time he was on the track team under Coach Jim Hubbard. Since CNC was not yet a 4-year college, Bill completed his B.A. in Political Science at ODU in 1969, then an M.A. in City and Regional Planning at Virginia Tech in 1971.
Photo by Kay Rinfrette.
Photo by Kay Rinfrette.
The framed sports letter above, awarded to Bill in 1967, is the same one awarded a Joe Hutchko and others a few years later in the decade. The framed award certificate that accompanied it, dated 1967, was signed by both Coach Hubbard and then Director of CNC, H. W. Cunningham . It’s interesting that this second track letter had only the C and N, intertwined, whereas the earlier one had all three letters: CNC.
At this time, the histories behind these very different track letters are not known. How were they chosen? Who made those decisions? If you can answer these questions, please get in touch with us!
Published November 28, 2014
Commencement 1965 in the Lecture Room of Newport Hall. Photo from Christopher Newport University, by Sean M. Heuvel, p. 23.
Memorabilia Gallery No. 15:
CNC Commencement Exercises, 1963 –1970,
Along with Some Bits of History
By A. Jane Chambers
The first (June 6, 1963) and second (June 4, 1964) formal* Christopher Newport College commencement exercises were held in the third floor auditorium of the old Daniel School building on 32nd Street in downtown Newport News, which served as the temporary home of the young College, then a two-year branch of The College of William and Mary. Until 1971, CNC offered only the Associate in Arts degree. The small number of degree recipients shown on these programs from 1963 – 1970 was in part a consequence of there being no requirement to have a 2-year degree to transfer from CNC to William and Mary or any other state college and in part a reflection of the College’s high academic standards, equal to those of William and Mary.
These first two Commencement Exercises are courtesy of First Decader couple Claude and Karen Graeb Stanley (Classes of, respectively, 1963 and 1964). The 1963 program is unique not only in being the first, but also in marking a major event. Local artist Allan D. Jones, Jr. had recently been commissioned by the City of Newport News to create a mural in the West Avenue Library depicting the Jamestown Landing of 1607. The central figure in this mural was tobe, of course, Captain Christopher Newport, leader of that expedition. During Commencement 1963, a black and white ink drawing of Captain Newport—a “cartoon” (meaning “sketch”)—was presented to CNC. This ink drawing by Allan Jones was displayed there for decades, but like many other early CNC historical items, it has since disappeared. However, beginning with the first issue of the first Captain’s Log(Nov. 7, 1963), this sketch of Captain Newport, hook on his right arm, was included in the masthead of the student newspaper for decades. In 1970, it was also the model for the College’s second seal and original four-year ring, both designed by student Kenneth Flick (B.A., 1972). (For further details, see The Story of CNC's FirstFour-Year Class Ringand the Seal that Preceded It, in Website Archives, subtab First Decade History.)The class of 1964 is the first for which we have a photo (b&w) of its commencement. (See it on this website under Reunions & Events, subtab 50th Reunion, 1964.)
The Class of 1965 was the first to have its commencement on the Shoe Lane Campus, in the Lecture Room of Christopher Newport Hall, the first building on the campus. This class was also the first Shoe Lane class for which we have a photo (above, top) of its commencement. As usual, James C. Windsor, by then Dean of Students, presented the degree candidates and Director H. Westcott (Scotty) Cunningham awarded the degrees. The reception was in the Arcade, the open-air, roof-covered area connecting the main part of Newport Hall with the Lecture Room and, across from it, the room then housing the Library. Commencement for the 1966 class was also in Newport’s Lecture Room, but the reception was held in Gosnold Hall, CNC’s second building, in the Student Lounge directly across from Gosnold’s Lecture Room, identical to Newport’s. The Class of 1966 was also the first to have musical entertainment, provided by the College Choir. The above programs were provided by Robert W. Gray (1965) and Charles Snead (1966).
NOTE: Beginning at least with 1965, there were August Commencementsalso, and at some later point, Winter Commencements as well. However, to date, Commencement Exercises for these have not been located. If you can help provide any programs from these, please contact our website.
A first for members of the Degree Class of 1969 was having their diplomas handed to them by Davis Y. Paschall, President of William and Mary, rather than by Scotty Cunningham. Also reflected in this program (provided by Susan Wood Frith) is Cunningham’s recent promotion by William and Mary to Provost of CNC rather than Director. The speaker this June was another important person in CNC’s history, John H. (Jack) Willis, Jr., Assistant Vice President at William and Mary and that college’s liaison to CNC. The Degree Class of 1970 (Commencement program provided by Tim Hester) was the last to graduate under the leadership of H. Westcott Cunningham, who recently had been promoted to President of our College.This class was also the first to be presented for degrees by CNC’s second Dean of the Faculty, H. Marshall Booker. At least 6 in this class were at the junior level when they were awarded the 2-year degree and completed the 4-year degree at CNC in 1971—Gustin, Hester, McGlaun, Mitchell, Muguira, and Wolfe.
A new era began with Commencement 1971, to be the subject of the next issue ofMemorabilia Gallery. Stay tuned!
*The first A.A. degree at CNC was awarded to Lois Wright on June 8, 1962, in an informal service in the Office of Director H. W. Cunningham, with Lois’s parents present. Lois was one of 13 students who enrolled the opening year as sophomores and the only one to earn the degree. See her interesting essay “The Graduating Class of One,” in Memories of Christopher Newport College: The First Decade, 1961-1971, pp.182-85.]
The photo of Commencement 1965 in the Lecture Room of Newport Hall is from Christopher Newport University, by Sean M. Heuvel, p. 23.
Published January 16, 2015
Memorabilia Gallery No.16:
1965 Newspaper Articles
from Harry Bennett
by A. Jane Chambers
Recently located CNC alumnus Robert Harry Bennett has shared some newspaper clippings of interest from 1965. Below first, in two parts, is one of two articles about CNC’s 1965 Summer Commencement, which took place in August in the office of then-Director H. Westcott Cunningham. Our webmaster, Ron Lowder, enlarged and enhanced the photo with it, which shows the graduates (L-R): Harry Bennett, Vicki Keeter (later Whitaker), Julia (Judy) Osborne (not yet located), and Judith (Judye) Fuller (later Schneider). On the right is Mr. Cunningham.
We do not know the sources or dates of the two CNC Summer Commencement articles, but probably one is from the Daily Press, Newport News’ morning newspaper, and the other is from the Times-Herald, the afternoon paper also published by the Daily Press in the 1960s. The article with the picture states “this morning” in the opening sentence, suggesting it was written for the afternoon paper. Unlike the article below, it also gives a detailed explanation of the requirements for the Associate in Arts degree.
On the left above is the second article about that August 1965 Commencement, probably from the Daily Press. The opening mention of “Tuesday morning” indicates it was written after the previous article and for the Wednesday morning paper. The article on the right above states “Special to Daily Press” at the beginning, thus identifying the source.
Why do 50-year-old newspaper clippings matter? For the same reason that 50-year-old yearbooks matter. They provide information and photographs that otherwise might be lost. They are historical documents—bits of history valuable not only to those who experienced that time and that place, but also, sometimes, to those who did not.
ROBERT HARRY BENNETTof Hampton, VA, attended CNC two years (1963-65), completing the AA Degree in August of 1965. He was on the College’s first Track Team, under Coach Raoul Weinstein. Harry then earned 3 degrees at William and Mary: the AB in History (1968), the M.Ed. (1971), and then the Ed.S. (1977). He had a long career with Hampton City Schools, serving as teacher, coach, athletic director and assistant principal. He retired in 2005. Harry and his wife, Margaret, have two daughters: Margaret Sue (CNU, 1994) and Jane (ODU, 1997).
Published May 8, 2015
Memorabilia Gallery No.17:
Two Very Interesting 1970 Riverside School Commencement Articles
Sent by LaVerne Merlin McDonald
Edited by A. Jane Chambers
LaVerne Merlin McDonald recently sent me an email with two very interesting items: side-by-side Daily Press articles about the graduation of her class of 1970 at the Riverside School of Professional Nursing (RSPN). She found these in her "hope chest" and is "sure" they were printed "around August of 1970." In CNC's early years, Riverside Hospital's student nurses were also CNC students their first year in the RSPN program. They had an important role in the college's history, being First Decaders (FDs) as well as Riverside RNs, and some of them also earned CNC degrees.
The title of this first article--"Hospital Official Foresees National Medical Insurance"--almost leaps off the page. What a surprising commencement speech that must have been 48 years ago! John N. Simpson, associate administrator of Richmond Memorial Hospital, began by asking, "Are we slowly but surely on the path to socialized medicine?" This article is quite interesting, showing us the medical community's thinking half a century ago.
Most interesting also is the photograph with this clipping, showing the first male nurse in Riverside's program receiving his Registered Nurse (RN) pin. In her email LaVerne described the woman in the picture, Mrs. Jean Armistead, as "a Riverside graduate employed as the student health nurse" and the man, James D. Lowell, as now "a retired doctor."
Jim Lowell and I have corresponded for several years and he has written several articles for our website. He's had an exciting and productive life. He attended CNC first in 1965-66, while also serving in the US Coast Guard. After earning his RN, he worked as a night nurse in the psychiatric unit at Riverside while also completing his BS in psychology at CNC in 1972. After teaching psychiatric nursing at TNCC for a year, Jim then entered medical school. He completed his MD at MCV in 1977, then did his residency in family medicine at the Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
His career included being a fly-in doctor at an Indian Reservation in Manitoba, practicing rural family medicine, being associate director of a family practice, having a solo private practice (80% obstetrics), working in occupational medicine, and finally being Medical Director of the Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview, TX. The fairly recent photo right was made at CNU on casual dress night of the two-day and two-night first reunion of the CNC First Decaders (Sept. 16 & 17, 2011). Jim is between two other RSPN graduates--Beth Shepherd Mollick (RN 72) on the left and Dalton Kelley Blankenship (RN 77)--both also FDs. (Photo credit: Beth.)
This second article is about the 1970 class's three most outstanding graduates: Gail Yates (later Tobey)--the "Yorktown Girl" in the title, Jim Lowell, and LaVerne Merlin (later McDonald). Other than what is in this article, all I know about Gail is what Jim Lowell told me: that she retired to San Miguel de Allende in central Mexico some years ago. We learn more about her, and about Jim and LaVerne, in this very interesting article.
After earning her RN, LaVerne Merlin McDonald began her nursing career of over 40 years. She worked first at Greater Southeast Community Hospital in Washington, DC. However, after earning her Critical Care Nursing Certification (CCRN) from the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN), she spent the rest of her career in adult Critical Care--first at Circle Terrace Hospital in Alexandria, VA (15 years) and then at Reston Hospital Center in Reston, VA (over two decades). Widowed since 1994 and now retired, she lives in Springfield, VA and enjoys time with her son and his family. We thank her for these two articles and hope she will join us sometime for one of our yearly First Decaders reunions.
Readers, do you too have some interesting CNC or RSPN memorabilia tucked away somewhere in a hope chest, or yearbook, or cardboard box? Check your attic, basement, closets--and look under your bed. If you find something you almost, or completely, forgot you had saved, tell us about it. We might want it!
The photo below, from page 77 of CNC's 1968 Trident, shows RSPN's Class of 1970 during the student nurses' first year. The back row shows Jim Lowell (standing, left). The middle row shows LaVerne (seated, last half of the row), and the front row shows Gail Yates (right end). Are you, or is someone you know, also in this picture?
We welcome your FEEDBACK. Send to
Published September 14, 2018
Memorabilia Gallery No. 18
1969 Commencement Article and Program
The article below was provided by CNC First Decader Robert E. (Bob) Hines (A.A., 1969; B.A. Sociology, 1972), who is second left in the article's photograph. The Times-Herald was then the Peninsula's afternoon newspaper, published by The Daily Press of Newport News, which still publishes the morning newspaper The Daily Press. The title of the article reflects the theme of the commencement address given by Dr. John H. Willis (first left in the photo), Assistant Vice President of the College of William and Mary and W&M’s liaison to CNC. Notice in the latter half of the article the practice then of giving home addresses and names of the parents of the graduates.
The commencement program below was provided by CNC First Decader Susan Wood Argabright, now Frith (A.A., 1969), who completed her B.A. in Spanish the following year, 1970, at Old Dominion. Members of the 1969 class were the first to have their diplomas handed to them by Davis Y. Paschall, President of William and Mary. Reflected also in this program is H. Westcott (Scotty) Cunningham's recent promotion by William and Mary to Provost of CNC rather than Director. The following year, 1970, he would be promoted to President of CNC.